Most of the photos are from the following books:


Vol. 1&2 Published in Paris by Maison de le Bonne Presse 1905.

(These volumes will be referred to as 1905.)

PAYS DE JEANNE D'ARC by Jean de Metz Edited by Jules Rey

Published by Successeur de A. Gratier et J. Rey 1910.

(This book will be referred to as 1910.)

JEHANNE! : GOD'S HOLY WARRIOR by Virginia Lindsley Frohlick

Copyrighted, Unpublished Historical Novel 162

(This book will be referred to as Copyrighted VLF.)

JOAN OF ARC: MAID OF FRANCE by Albert Bigelow Paine

Vol. 1&2 Published by The Macmillan Company of New York 1925.

(These books will be referred to as 1925.)

JEANNE d'ARC by W.S. Scott

Published by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd of London, England 1974.

(This book will be referred to as Scott.)

PROCES DE CONDAMNATION DE JEANNE D'ARC by La Societe de l'Histoire de France

Published by Paris Librairie C. Klincksieck 1971.

(This book will be referred to as 1971.)

Photos taken by Timothy J. Frohlick will be referred to as TF 1984.

Photos taken by Virginia Frohlick will be referred to as VF 1997.

Rouen: Joan's Death

[copyrighted VLF]

Model of Rouen's 'Old Market' square. The market is to the left and Holy Savior church to the right. [TF 1984]

Another view of Rouen's 'Old Market' model. In front of the market and behind the site of Joan's pyre is the pulpit stand. To the right of Joan's pyre are the two stands for the officials. To the far left is the pillory. [TF 1984]

Site of Joan's death - Rouen market. [1905]

Rouen's Old Market Square. [1905]

Site of Joan's death - Rouen market. [1910]

Site of Joan's death - Rouen market. [VF 1997]

17th century drawing of the "Mathilde" bridge from which Joan's remains were thrown into the Seine.

17th century drawing of the original Rouen memorial fountain erected to honor of 'The Maid.'

Rouen's modern memorial fountain to honor 'The Maid.' [1905]

This charred human bone may be a possible relic of Saint Joan of Arc. It is kept in the Chinon castle museum.

[VF 1997]

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