Ingrid Bergman in the 1948 Film: Joan of Arc (Part II)

Joan is wounded in battle

During the intense fighting Joan is wounded in the breast by an English long bow arrow and she falls from the scaling latter with a crash.

Joan is carried off the field of battle

Joan is carried off the field of battle by her captains where her wound is tended.

Joan returns to the battle

Joan pulls the arrow out by her own hand. Then her friends apply wine and lard to her wound and dress it with a linen bandage. After resting for two hours Joan hears the trumpeters sound the notes for recall: the captains are sounding the RETREAT. Joan struggles to her feet and returns to the battle. She breathes new life into her disheartened army and leads them on to victory.

Joan after the battle

With the battle at the Tourelles now won, Joan takes the time to survey the brutality of war. The sight sickens her to the very core of her being. The people idolize her and the army, trusting confidently in her spiritual leadership, wins one battle after another. The high point of her career comes when she stands beside the Dauphin as he is crown King Charles VII in Reims cathedral.

full view of Joan in her tunic and hose

But King Charles VII is crafty, tricky and worldly in his goals, and shortly thereafter he is capitalizing on the gains won for him by the Maid.

close up of Joan in tunic

He sets aside Joan's advice to carry out his own meaner schemes for acquiring money and land.

Joan's enemies from Right to Left: the Duke of Burgundy, 
the Count of Luxembourg, Bishop Cauchon and the English Duke of Bedford

At the same time the enemies of France gathered together to try to come up with a plan to counter the gains won by Joan and for a way to capture and put her on trial for witchcraft.

Joan with King Charles, the Duke de la Tremoille and the 
Duke d' Alencon

Joan and her dear friend, the Duke d'Alencon, try desperately to persuade the King and his advisors to continue the fight to drive France's enemies from the land. But their words fall on deaf ears. The King order the army to be disbanded and for Joan remain with him at court. The King wanted to make sure that Joan would not disrupt the truce he had just signed with the Burgundians. After a tearful good by, Joan would never to see d' Alencon or the rest of her friends ever again.

close up of Joan being taken to the stake

In March of 1430 Joan escapes from King Charles' court. BUT on the evening of May 23, of that same year, she is captured by the Burgundians outside the town of Compiegne. Joan was held by the Burgundians for six months before being bought by the English for the equivalent of 3 million U.S. dollars. She was taken to the city of Rouen where she was put on trial for heresy and witchcraft.

Joan being chained to the stake

The English, wanting to discredit not only Joan but also King Charles VII, used the ecclesiastical court to do their dirty business. Due to the machinations of corrupt clergy and English political figures, Joan, after a six month trial, was finally condemned to be burnt alive.

Joan prepared for burning

Joan was taken by a dung cart to Rouen's old market square where she was chained to a stake. She died in the consuming flames as she called on the name of "JESUS."

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Virginia Frohlick